BTA/BOLT is a member-driven, all-volunteer organization. A membership in Boxford Trails Association/Boxford Open Land Trust supports trail maintenance, land conservation, advocacy and education to protect the properties we all love in Boxford.
Volunteers are the backbone of BTA/BOLT. In addition to helping with our more than 120 miles of trails we are always looking for people to lend a hand at our outreach activities, annual events and in the office. Fill out the volunteer form and we'll get back to you.
Adopt a trail, monitor a trail or property, trail clearing, lead a hike.
Help set-up/break-down, or man a table at the Apple Festival, Pumpkin Hunt, Dog Show, or any of our other events.
Annual Events
Outreach Activities
Man a table to spread the word about our mission, help coordinate volunteer based activities.
Photography, newsletter, stuffing envelopes, etc.
Unique Skills?
Tell us your ideas